+1 908-824-0146 INFO@HCMCL.ORG

2020 Marine Corps League Delta Dental Scholarship Program

PNC Wendell W. Webb has distributed the 2020 Marine Corps League Delta Dental Scholarship Program application. Please see his letter below and link to download this year’s scholarship application. Marines, We are launching our grant/partnership Delta Dental...

April 8 Membership Meeting is Cancelled

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the stay at home order that is still in affect, we will not be having a membership meeting this Wednesday on April 8. However we will try to have a conference call with the officers to asses any needs. If anyone in the membership needs...
Scott Seymour Receives 2019 Marine of Year Award

Scott Seymour Receives 2019 Marine of Year Award

Scott Seymour has been very active in our Marine Corps League until his medical condition worsened and he was forced to step down from his position of Sgt at Arms and to limit his activities to taking care of his health and his family. At last month’s meeting,...


March 20, 2020 TO: All Members, Veterans and Veteran Families of Hunterdon CountyFROM: Christopher Soldano, Commandant, Hunterdon County Bulldogs, MCL SUBJ: MCL STATUS DURING CURRENT NATIONAL HEALTH CRISIS As it is already known via mainstream media, the current...
Hunterdon County Bulldogs Donates $250 to Gunny Claus Program

Hunterdon County Bulldogs Donates $250 to Gunny Claus Program

The Hunterdon County Bulldogs voted last month to donate $250 to the Gunny Claus program because of it’s very special mission. At  Christmas time, the projects of Gunny Claus and the 1st Reindeer Division are directed to children of active-duty Marines and...
Hunterdon County Bulldogs Birthday Dinner 2019

Hunterdon County Bulldogs Birthday Dinner 2019

Thank you for all who attended this year’s Marine Corps Birthday Dinner at Riley & Jake’s on November 10th in Clinton! All in attendance said they had a great time. Thank you to our new Judge Advocate and Ball Committee organizer, George Grauso, for...